JZ vs LP & Five for Friday
I've always been a fan of mixing hip-hop and rock, even though to some it seems like a marketing gimmick. But I've been a sucker for it. Going back as far as Public Enemy & Anthrax's "Bring tha Noize" to more modern stuff like Linkin Park vs Jay-Z. There have been ups...like PE & Anthrax, downs...like "Judgement Night" (half-way listenable soundtrack, but a horrible movie). I was watching MTV today and saw the "mash-ups" show with Linkin Park and Jay-Z. I have to say it was pretty good. I'm a fan of both and the mix of the two styles, while not innovative is fun. One thing that struck me was the grins all of them had while performing. They looked like they were having a good time. And to me, that's what is important.
Which brings me to another thing. I am so tired of stars complaing about being famous. I know that your life is o terribly hard. With tons of cash, everything being handed to you on a golden plate (or in Russell Simmon's case...crapping on a golden throne) and legions of adoring fans. But face it, you chose this life. No one forced it on you. So quit yer' bitcin and enjoy it while you have it...'cause it ain't going to last.
So it is still Friday, and going with the theme, here's 5 hip-hop/rock matches that work...
1. Public Enemy & Anthrax "Bring tha Noize" (the classic, a standard).
2. Jay-Z vs. Linkin Park "99 Problems - Points of Authority/One Step CLoser" (very heavy, great example of why the mash-up works)
3. Onyx & Biohazard "Slam" (cheesy but fun to see hardcore band acting like G's)
4. The Executioners feat. Static X & Mike Shinoda "Its' Goin Down" (turntablism and loud guitars, who can argue?)
5. Run DMC & Aerosmith "Walk this Way" (The orginal and still the best)
Have a good weekend!
Done with it all...
Yep, finals are done, over, finished. Finally. So far the results are decent I didn't completely bomb anything and now my life can get back to normal. You get so wrapped up in the drama that is school that everything else seems to fade away. I mean I would say good-bye to my wife on Sunday night and not see her until Friday night...not literally of course, just figuratively. The thing though is that to stay ahead of the game, I have to study during Christmas break. At least I can take a week to decompress, at least until the Christmas celebration with the in-laws.
Well anyways, nothing important to say...yet.
Til later...
The Return of the FIve...
So here it is. I had a lull in the madness that is the end of the semester and it gave me a moment to figure some stuff out. I was just making a CD and decided to post a couple of my favorite songs on it.
Black Flag "Wasted"
311 "Down"
Guns N Roses "One in a Million"
Beastie Boys "3 MCs and 1 DJ"
Goldfinger "99 Red Balloons"
and more...
Have Good Weekend!
Still Alive...Kind Of
I figured I would update, just a bit. End of semester is coming, so I won't be updating as frequently as before. Here and there and Five for Friday will be back.
Until later...
Bits and Pieces
Interesting news out today, some things I found.
When I first moved to Flagstaff I watched a lot of TechTV and kind of got addicted. But then G4 came in basically ran the channel into the ground. Now there are even more changes at the channel. Basically what they have done is taken a great source for all things tech related and ran it into the ground of video game mediocrity. All they show now beisde the sole holdover (The Screen Savers) is video game crap. Not being a 13 year with a single minded obsession with video games I find that I can't stand the channel anynore. It was once a place for decent tech related programming but now it's just another marketing platform for the video game industry.
I work in telesales (incoming calls, I don't call anyone) and we have seom fraud that happens but this caught my eye as I was browsing today. Seems fraud related to e-commerce is sky-rocketing and the holiday season is possibly the worst of it. One reason I checked this out is that I had a couple of fraud calls this week and was a little peeved about it.
They're watching you...yes, you, the one in the front of the theater with the camcorder, you're now screwed. In the ever vigilant arena of anti-piracy comes the newest and greatest system that scans the audience looking for reflections off of lenses. My solution: charge less. People are more apt to actually go to the movies if it doesn't cost the proverbial arm & leg (last time it cost my wife and I $11 for admission, on a matinee...).
Oh yeah, Five for Friday is still on hiatus, but will be back soon!
Have a good weekend!
Regret, remorse and repercussions
So it's been a week. I'm not going to say the W. won or anything like that, but we all know the outcome. Luckily I've had the time to digest it all and think things through. So here's a couple of things I see W. and crew pulling during the next 4 years...
- Reforming tax code even more to benefit the wealthy and tax the poor.
- more legislation about our personal lives, y'know things allowing the feds into our bedrooms, behind the closed doors the typical American citizen treasures
- social engineering through legislation
- futile attempts to keep the economy moving in a positive direction
- appointment of the most conservative Supreme Court...ever
- further erosions of environmental, workplace and economic safeguards
- more spending, bigger deficits and even more national debt
- more persecution of those willing to speak out in guise of "Homeland Security"
- preemptive strikes on either Iran or North Korea...maybe California
- reinstatement of the draft, or complete implementation of the stop-loss program
So yeah, the picture looks real good. The majority of Americans that voted for W. on the pretenses of security, both national and economic, tax relief and moral issues are going to be in for a fun ride in the next 48 months. Remember, y'all voted for the guy. You will reap what you sow.
My $.02
Add... oh yeah, as of today, politics will be back to low-key again and not consuming my thoughts anymore.
Five for Friday...in mourning
And proud of it...?
Just wanted to say that I did vote, and voted for Kerry. So now at least I can say, "Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy!" Now it is just a waiting game.
Is this just futile, or does it mean something?
A missive on choice.
So it's Election Day. The day of reckoning and choice for the American people. But does it really matter? Is the choice of one guy over the other a futile desperate attempt at choice? What really is the difference between Kerry and Bush? Here at Restive State I say not much.
While I admit to being a member of the A.B.B. club, it doesn't make me feel empowered or like I am really choosing. Jerry Garcia once said, "Choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil." Is that what the grand ideal of democracy has been reduced to, or has it just fully manifested its true roots? 200 years ago it was a battle between 2 rich white men for the presidency. And in that time it has not changed one bit. Sure the methods may be different, but it is still the same.
Now before everyone calls me cynical let me mention that I'm pointing out the obvious. We have not had a real choice in America. Ever. 2 years ago no one knew the senator from Massachusetts, much less thought he would be the challenger to the throne. He was manufactured, groomed, and created for us. Bland, centrist, no skeletons, a war hero with a long record of public service, who went to Yale (and along GW, was in Skull &Bones...just tidbit for all the conspiracy buffs), and is partially heir to the Heinz fortune. Yes, he sure is the common guy, average Joe 6-pack and I am sure he represents the interests of the average American, because he's "just like us." But he's not. Not anymore than George W. Bush is. And that is really why neither represents a real choice. It's the same entree, just prepared differently, which it can be argued is a choice. But chicken, no matter how it's cooked is still chicken.
Restive State will be covering the election as best as I can, between work and school there is that possbility. Maybe though, something will change, and then again, it might not. Time will tell. But at least I'm doing my part and voting. And though it makes me feel wrong, kind of like a sellout, I'm going to cast my vote for Kerry and the hope that things might change.
The revoltution starts tommorrow, and it will be televised...
Five for Friday & Political Commentary!
We'll start with the commentary tonight...
This goes to show that speaking out against the Administration can get you in big trouble. According to this article, the NAACP is being audited/reviewed by the IRS in light of remarks made at its convention regarding the Bush Administration and the upcoming elections. Leads one to wonder if Bush & Co. sicced the IRS on them...
On toFive for Friday...Top 5 political/protest (modern) songs:
System of a Down "Boom!"
RATM "Ghost of Tom Joad"
NOFX "Murder the Government"
Bad Brains "Youth Are Getting Restless"
RATM "Killing in the Name"
...best line ever "fuck you I won't do what you tell me!"
Peace, have a good weekend!
Little bit of this and that
Well, it's snowing again. I really shouldn't be complaining considering we're in the middle of a 10 year drought, but this early? First 5" last week and at least that much today. And no one was ready. The roads were horrible with every jackass with a SUV flying down the road and the rest of dealing with it as best we can. The SUV crowd never ceases to amaze me. 4-Wheel drive does not mean 4-wheel stop. I saw too many out of control today.
My little Bug did great though. Once I got her started that is. I just have to keep reminding myself that it takes time to warm up older cars. You can't just jump in and go. But I felt better driving her than I have felt in my newer car. Go figure.
Here's some hilarity today:
Riffing on the MIlli-Vanilliesque performance Ashlee Simpson laid down on SNL this weekend is the Ashlee Simpson I-Pod. I can't wait to own one of those...
And one more thing we all should be worried about. Check 21 goes into effect on Friday. What it means is that it just got a whole lot more dangerous to float checks. Probably another idea thought up by people who have too much money to begin with (banks...) to bilk it from those who don't (Joe 6-pack and company). Check the info out here.
See ya' tommorrow with Five for Friday...
It's Monday already?
Just when I thought it was safe to wake up and smell the pollution.
This is just a quickie Monday blurb.
So this is the 5 second wrap-up of the weekend. Ate Chinese on Friday...good. Drove to Laughlin on Saturday...not so good. Watched movies like "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"...very very very good on Sunday.
BTW, if you have yet to see aforementioned flick...see it. Do not waste time, do not hesitate, just watch it. It is almost even better with someone you love. (Kinda' makes you realize how special they really are and how you would presumably not want them erased from your memory...)
Peace...on to study!
Five for Friday
Once again, it is finally Friday. Off to Laughlin for the weekend to blow whatever money I have. Actually, it is just a chance to get out of town and warm up a bit. There is no rhyme or reason to today's five. I realized that it was almost time to go home, thus losing my internet connection...and hadn't posted the five for today.
As I sat here with "Just what I needed" running through my head (yeah, thanks Circuit City...), it came to me. Five of my favorite covers...that's the ticket. So, without further fanfare here they are, Five for Friday, top 5 favorite covers.
Guns n' Roses "Knocking on Heaven's Door" org. by Bob Dylan
Me First and the Gimme Gimmes "Leavin' on a Jet Plane" org. by Peter, Paul & Mary
Smashing Pumpkins ""Best Friend" org. by Depeche Mode
Everclear "Sin City" org. AC/DC
Jimi Hendrix "Like A Rolling Stone" org. by Bob Dylan
editorial here...and one cover I absolutely hate, it should be destroyed and never mentioned again...
Jessica Simpson "Angels" org. by Robbie Williams (not that I'm a huge pop fan, but that song it wonderful and has a great deal of emotional imapct for me and frankly, her version sucks!)
Have a great weekend!
my life...
When will the insanity stop?
I'm talking about the election. I can't wait until this crap is over. I can't turn on the TV anymore without seeing some sort of ad attacking someone. That's all that is on the tube anymore. Nothing but political ads. And it is driving me insane.
Up here in Northern Arizona there is a very heated race between incumbent Rick Renzi and the challenger Paul Babbit. And its ugly. There is absolutely no positivity. Every single ad is "Oh, so-and-so took money from such-and-such, raised taxes and doesn't live in N. AZ." But the question is, who really cares? This is truly a choice between 2 people who could give a shit about what happens to small towns in rurual AZ.
The basic thing is, Babbitt (and his family) owns most of Flagstaff (an exageration...they do own a lot though) and Renzi is a sleazy politican (from what I have seen). Neither really represents much of a change or difference from the other. Both are deep in the pockets of PACs and lobbyists, and more importantly, both are extremely well-off. Not that I truly care about that, but, when you're busting your hump just to make rent because the cost of living has spiraled out of control (and wages really haven't followed...), these guys who say they are going to do something to help us ring hollow, because really, what can they do? Call me cynical, but that's how it is. The average Joe cannot afford to buy a house in Flagstaff, but there is a new development of multi-million dollar golf course homes going up. These two candidates are cut from the same stock as the poeple who would buy that kind of place. They profess their care for the workingman and the average Joe 6-pack, but they don't live, work or survive here. So while it seems defeatist and anti-democratic, I'm voting for neither.
But enough of all this. I just have to keep hopeful and remember that there is only 12 days left.
oh yeah...the revolution starts 11/3, and it will be televised...
Yes, game fans, snow. That white crystalline stuff that falls from the sky when it gets cold. Unf*cking believeable. It's October 21st and it is snowing.
Five for Friday
Seeing a band in concert has always been a great thing. You get to see the interplay, the skills and more importantly the people who make the music you love. I know lots of people who go to every show that comes around, even if they only like one or two songs. Me I save my money to see bands that I truly want to see. While I'm not fanaticl about going to shows, there are certain ones that I will always go to see, no matter what. One of those is the focus of today's Five. I've only seen them twice and I've only seen them in their hometown, so the view may be a little biased.
It was 1996 when I first saw Everclear. It was the last show of their "Sparkle and Fade" Tour. Sure they were playing to the hometown crowd and glad to be home, but it was one of the best and emotionally touching shows I've ever seen. After the hits, Art came out to do a song that he dedicated to his daughter who was backstage. Talk about sticking you heart on your sleeve.
Second time I saw them was at a festival, again in PDX. Again, at the end of their tour. Once again, an incredible show. Except for my wife getting hit in the head with a plank in the pit (...long story, but one that goes to show how much the pit has changed and that most people in the pit are complete dicks...). The connection they showed with their fans and the love they recieved in return made them on my short list of bands to see anytime they were close.
So, without further rambling, Five for Friday presents, 5 Best Everclear Songs
Pale Green Stars (Sparkle & Fade)
Why I Don't Believe in God (So Much For the Afterglow)
So Much For the Afterglow (So Much For the Afterglow)
Volvo Driving Soccer Mom (Slow Motion Daydream)
Santa Monica (Sparkle & Fade)
Have a good weekend!
Go Big or Go Home
The title says it all. Day One of clinicals in the Emergency Department. Talk about jumping in with both feet. More later...
Back In The Saddle
Back at it after a nice trip out of town. I can sum it up very easily though. Had fun, stayed in a great hotel, spent all my money, saw the folks and family, and remembered why I didn't like anyone in high school.
See, that is the funny thing. I was all excited to go and see people I hadn't seen in years. And to be honest, I didn't like many of them to begin with. That was the weird thing, here I was, all excited to see people I didn't like. The nice thing was that nobody recognized me until they saw my name tag. So I guess it wasn't that bad. I shocked me though to see how many people had not moved on. They still lived in the same town, still hung out with the same people and went to the same functions. But I guess that is what made them happy.
The whole trip though crystalized how much I had moved and changed since that time. It made me feel better about what I have accomplished and where I'm heading. So it really was a good thing.
Five for Friday -8OCT-
So yeah, it's not Friday, (almost, kind of sorta in some places), but I'm not going to be near a computer to post this Friday. Spending time with the folks, and preparing for my 10 year high school reunion. In reality, I could care less about the reunion, but it gives me the excuse to go see my family who I haven't seen for some time now. So that makes this kind of special. I went back and started digging out tracks that I listened to in high school and had fun doing it. Brought back some memories to say the least.
Here is the expanded 5 for Friday, reunion edition...
Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, "Leavin' On A Jet Plane"
(ok, not in school, but that's what I'm doin')
Soundgarden "Outshined"
Beastie Boys "So Whatcha Want?"
Alice in Chains "Them Bones"
Mudhoney "Acetone"
Ministry "N.W.O."
Nine Inch Nails "Head Like a Hole"
NOFX "The Brews"
L7 "Pretend We're Dead"
Pearl Jam "Alive"
Until next week...
Weapons of Mass Delusion
Confirming what many suspected all along, the report has come out saying there were no biological, chemical, or nuclear weapons in Iraq at the time of the invasion, or for quite a long time previous. There were no stockpiles, and the nuclear program was pretty much dead inthe water. So what gives?
In the incessant braying of pundits and prophets we, the American people got duped. Plain and simple. Each reason for going to war that was trotted out by the Bush administration has been shot down. No WMDs, no connection between Sadaam and Al Qeda (despite what Dick Cheney had asserted for so long then denied in last night's debate), no shipments of uranium from Nigeria to Iraq...nothing at all. Granted, Sadaam wasn't the nicest guy on the block, and he deserves what he got, but that kind of thinking gets you into too much trouble. Who's next? North Korea, Libya, Syria...maybe Canada, I think they're treating their citizens horribly, I mean socialized medicine, civil liberties and all that...
It blows my mind that we got invloved in a war on a pretense that was proved to be wrong. Sure, it's in our history (Vietnam and the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution rings a bell), but that doesn't make it right. Yes, we were attacked. But it has been shown that Iraq had nothing to do with it. If anything we should have attacked Saudi Arabia, where the majority of the hijackers came from. But thinking like that gets you into places you don't even want to go.
The fact is, the administration f*cked up. Good thoughts for the night...
Update: stumbled this very enlightening article after I posted. Enjoy!
Never Got Any Respect
Was reading online tonight and found tragedy.
Rodney "I can't get no respect" Dangerfield, has passed into the great unknown. I always liked his brand of comedy, and him as an actor. Can't really put my finger on it, that one thing that he did that always made me laugh. It was somehting bigger. Not just one joke, but a presence that you could not deny. The crazy eyes, the goofy grin, the trademark line that made him millions, more than just a one liner, his self-depreciating humor made him real enough for the average Joe to understand and connect with. When he made a joke about how small his manhood was, every man in the room chuckled and thought, "Whew, at least I don't have it that bad!" That is where I thought he shone the brightest, at least in my eyes.
Not too long ago I read an interview with him and realized that he was in many ways the American dream. He did his own thing, including getting lit up with the writer, even though everyone tried to stand in his way. He kept getting beaten at the game, but kept at it, persevered, and eventually got what everyone wants, fame, riches, and the trappings of luxury. But in spite of all of that he didn't seem happy (although that could have been the result of his illnesses). What made him happiest it seemed, was performing. You can see it in his face on film. That was what he seemed to love. That struck me though, the sadness in the interview. Obviously he was suffering at that point, but just wasn't ready to pack it in.
But as the saying goes, everyone of us has their time. Thanks Rodney, now you can get a little respect.
Five for Friday... v.2
It's back, I spend all week trying to find something worthwhile to listen to, but being poor, I can't seem to. So I end up culling thru all sorts of CDs I haven't pulled out in awhile and find something worth listening to.
Remember in no particular order...these have been playing this week. Enjoy!
Faith No More "Falling To Pieces"
this has been so true this week...somebody put me together
Sweaty Nipples "Rum Warrior"
now defunct band out of PDX that not a lot of people outside the NW know about
Beastie Boys "Triple Trouble"
Less Than Jake "Dopeman - Remix"
Smoochknob "Weirdo"
everybody is somebody's weirdo...can I be your?
Unitl next week...
A Word to the Wise
I'm a first year nursing student dying under the load of homework. There. I said it. Maybe now I can get on with my life.
The program I am in will turn me into an RN in less than 2 year. Just thinking about the sheer volume of information that I have to digest is overwhelming, not to mention the sheer amount of time and energy I have had to devote to it.
But the wisdom: get everything else that you need for your degree out of the way first, then take nursing classes. My course load is 13 credit hours. Yeah right. Between clinical work that averages 10hrs+ a week to the Anatomy prof who thinks that free time is a bad thing and work, life is just peachy.
Just another missive from my life.
Oh yeah, heard this today...
Q; what's the difference between a cactus and a Hummer H2?
A: on a cactus the pricks are on the outside...
Five for Friday v.1
To end the week right, here's "Five for Friday", 5 songs in rotation on my player that I'm sharing to get your weekend going...
(in no particular order)
"Ignition - Remix" R.Kelly
"Let's Get It Started " Black Eye Peas
"Beer For Breakfast" Get-Up Kids
"Omaha Stylee" 311
"Exodous" Bob Marley & the Wailers
So it was only a dead battery...
The title tells the tale. It was the "simple", a dead battery.
But in reality it uncovered so much more. Granted, going in we knew that this car required work, but not the list of work that is steadily mounting. Not a day goes by that I don't find something new to fix, repair or redo. Nor does the day come where it all seems just right. The only time it really feels like that is when I cruising down the road and for a brief moment realize that life isn't so bad. Then the car starts shaking uncontrollably (bad struts) and I have to fight it to keep it on the road. But hey, it runs and tomorrow is Friday!
Not Quite a Dead Bug
So I never mentioned that the car I drive is a'73 VW Super Beetle. I guess drive is a misnomer, more like manhandle. I love the thing to death, but the reality is that it is a classic car that takes more work than the average new car. Not that I mind. If anything it has given me new insight and the acquisition of new skills. But there are days that you just want it to run.
So, yes, today was one of those days. And, no, it didn't (at least not yet...) After spending an hour or so doing some much needed cleaning (the view out the front window was like looking through a glass smeared w/vaseline), I go back out to go to work. Turn the key. Nothing. Not even a click. Me freaking out because I have 10 minutes to get to work. Not good. Luckily work is within walking distance so I made it. But now I have to figure out what is going on tonight, in the dark to get it running to get to school tomorrow.
It's not just a car, but an adventure!
And now for something completely different...
Thought for the day:
If going to church makes you a Christian, does going to the garage make you a car?
They're thinking for you again
Live from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration comes another plan for people thinking for you.
More like technology thinking for you. In this article they suggest that another monitoring system is needed to warn drivers when their tires are underinflated. Now, correct me if I'm wrong on this, but as a driver, isn't that your job? Whatever happened to the owner/driver of the car checking things out before the went on their merry way? Granted they say that it would not replace regular maintenance of the tires, but c'mon isn't that taking it a little too far away from the realm of personal responsibility.
The sad part though is that like the stupid warning labels on products like these, there has to be a reason behind it all...
One of Many...
How does one start? Besides being a little cliche that is? Sometimes nothing to say is better than rambling along and along. So check back later...there might be something interesting.