Back In The Saddle
Back at it after a nice trip out of town. I can sum it up very easily though. Had fun, stayed in a great hotel, spent all my money, saw the folks and family, and remembered why I didn't like anyone in high school.
See, that is the funny thing. I was all excited to go and see people I hadn't seen in years. And to be honest, I didn't like many of them to begin with. That was the weird thing, here I was, all excited to see people I didn't like. The nice thing was that nobody recognized me until they saw my name tag. So I guess it wasn't that bad. I shocked me though to see how many people had not moved on. They still lived in the same town, still hung out with the same people and went to the same functions. But I guess that is what made them happy.
The whole trip though crystalized how much I had moved and changed since that time. It made me feel better about what I have accomplished and where I'm heading. So it really was a good thing.