When will the insanity stop?
I'm talking about the election. I can't wait until this crap is over. I can't turn on the TV anymore without seeing some sort of ad attacking someone. That's all that is on the tube anymore. Nothing but political ads. And it is driving me insane.
Up here in Northern Arizona there is a very heated race between incumbent Rick Renzi and the challenger Paul Babbit. And its ugly. There is absolutely no positivity. Every single ad is "Oh, so-and-so took money from such-and-such, raised taxes and doesn't live in N. AZ." But the question is, who really cares? This is truly a choice between 2 people who could give a shit about what happens to small towns in rurual AZ.
The basic thing is, Babbitt (and his family) owns most of Flagstaff (an exageration...they do own a lot though) and Renzi is a sleazy politican (from what I have seen). Neither really represents much of a change or difference from the other. Both are deep in the pockets of PACs and lobbyists, and more importantly, both are extremely well-off. Not that I truly care about that, but, when you're busting your hump just to make rent because the cost of living has spiraled out of control (and wages really haven't followed...), these guys who say they are going to do something to help us ring hollow, because really, what can they do? Call me cynical, but that's how it is. The average Joe cannot afford to buy a house in Flagstaff, but there is a new development of multi-million dollar golf course homes going up. These two candidates are cut from the same stock as the poeple who would buy that kind of place. They profess their care for the workingman and the average Joe 6-pack, but they don't live, work or survive here. So while it seems defeatist and anti-democratic, I'm voting for neither.
But enough of all this. I just have to keep hopeful and remember that there is only 12 days left.
oh yeah...the revolution starts 11/3, and it will be televised...