Never Got Any Respect


Was reading online tonight and found tragedy.

Rodney "I can't get no respect" Dangerfield, has passed into the great unknown. I always liked his brand of comedy, and him as an actor. Can't really put my finger on it, that one thing that he did that always made me laugh. It was somehting bigger. Not just one joke, but a presence that you could not deny. The crazy eyes, the goofy grin, the trademark line that made him millions, more than just a one liner, his self-depreciating humor made him real enough for the average Joe to understand and connect with. When he made a joke about how small his manhood was, every man in the room chuckled and thought, "Whew, at least I don't have it that bad!" That is where I thought he shone the brightest, at least in my eyes.

Not too long ago I read an interview with him and realized that he was in many ways the American dream. He did his own thing, including getting lit up with the writer, even though everyone tried to stand in his way. He kept getting beaten at the game, but kept at it, persevered, and eventually got what everyone wants, fame, riches, and the trappings of luxury. But in spite of all of that he didn't seem happy (although that could have been the result of his illnesses). What made him happiest it seemed, was performing. You can see it in his face on film. That was what he seemed to love. That struck me though, the sadness in the interview. Obviously he was suffering at that point, but just wasn't ready to pack it in.

But as the saying goes, everyone of us has their time. Thanks Rodney, now you can get a little respect.

Posted by Tom at 8:29 PM  


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