Weapons of Mass Delusion


Confirming what many suspected all along, the report has come out saying there were no biological, chemical, or nuclear weapons in Iraq at the time of the invasion, or for quite a long time previous. There were no stockpiles, and the nuclear program was pretty much dead inthe water. So what gives?

In the incessant braying of pundits and prophets we, the American people got duped. Plain and simple. Each reason for going to war that was trotted out by the Bush administration has been shot down. No WMDs, no connection between Sadaam and Al Qeda (despite what Dick Cheney had asserted for so long then denied in last night's debate), no shipments of uranium from Nigeria to Iraq...nothing at all. Granted, Sadaam wasn't the nicest guy on the block, and he deserves what he got, but that kind of thinking gets you into too much trouble. Who's next? North Korea, Libya, Syria...maybe Canada, I think they're treating their citizens horribly, I mean socialized medicine, civil liberties and all that...

It blows my mind that we got invloved in a war on a pretense that was proved to be wrong. Sure, it's in our history (Vietnam and the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution rings a bell), but that doesn't make it right. Yes, we were attacked. But it has been shown that Iraq had nothing to do with it. If anything we should have attacked Saudi Arabia, where the majority of the hijackers came from. But thinking like that gets you into places you don't even want to go.

The fact is, the administration f*cked up. Good thoughts for the night...

Update: stumbled this very enlightening article after I posted. Enjoy!

Posted by Tom at 7:24 PM  


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