Five for Friday


Seeing a band in concert has always been a great thing. You get to see the interplay, the skills and more importantly the people who make the music you love. I know lots of people who go to every show that comes around, even if they only like one or two songs. Me I save my money to see bands that I truly want to see. While I'm not fanaticl about going to shows, there are certain ones that I will always go to see, no matter what. One of those is the focus of today's Five. I've only seen them twice and I've only seen them in their hometown, so the view may be a little biased.

It was 1996 when I first saw Everclear. It was the last show of their "Sparkle and Fade" Tour. Sure they were playing to the hometown crowd and glad to be home, but it was one of the best and emotionally touching shows I've ever seen. After the hits, Art came out to do a song that he dedicated to his daughter who was backstage. Talk about sticking you heart on your sleeve.

Second time I saw them was at a festival, again in PDX. Again, at the end of their tour. Once again, an incredible show. Except for my wife getting hit in the head with a plank in the pit (...long story, but one that goes to show how much the pit has changed and that most people in the pit are complete dicks...). The connection they showed with their fans and the love they recieved in return made them on my short list of bands to see anytime they were close.

So, without further rambling, Five for Friday presents, 5 Best Everclear Songs

Pale Green Stars (Sparkle & Fade)
Why I Don't Believe in God (So Much For the Afterglow)
So Much For the Afterglow (So Much For the Afterglow)
Volvo Driving Soccer Mom (Slow Motion Daydream)
Santa Monica (Sparkle & Fade)

Have a good weekend!

Posted by Tom at 6:03 PM  


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