Not Quite a Dead Bug
So I never mentioned that the car I drive is a'73 VW Super Beetle. I guess drive is a misnomer, more like manhandle. I love the thing to death, but the reality is that it is a classic car that takes more work than the average new car. Not that I mind. If anything it has given me new insight and the acquisition of new skills. But there are days that you just want it to run.
So, yes, today was one of those days. And, no, it didn't (at least not yet...) After spending an hour or so doing some much needed cleaning (the view out the front window was like looking through a glass smeared w/vaseline), I go back out to go to work. Turn the key. Nothing. Not even a click. Me freaking out because I have 10 minutes to get to work. Not good. Luckily work is within walking distance so I made it. But now I have to figure out what is going on tonight, in the dark to get it running to get to school tomorrow.
It's not just a car, but an adventure!
And now for something completely different...
Thought for the day:
If going to church makes you a Christian, does going to the garage make you a car?