Bits and Pieces
Interesting news out today, some things I found.
When I first moved to Flagstaff I watched a lot of TechTV and kind of got addicted. But then G4 came in basically ran the channel into the ground. Now there are even more changes at the channel. Basically what they have done is taken a great source for all things tech related and ran it into the ground of video game mediocrity. All they show now beisde the sole holdover (The Screen Savers) is video game crap. Not being a 13 year with a single minded obsession with video games I find that I can't stand the channel anynore. It was once a place for decent tech related programming but now it's just another marketing platform for the video game industry.
I work in telesales (incoming calls, I don't call anyone) and we have seom fraud that happens but this caught my eye as I was browsing today. Seems fraud related to e-commerce is sky-rocketing and the holiday season is possibly the worst of it. One reason I checked this out is that I had a couple of fraud calls this week and was a little peeved about it.
They're watching you...yes, you, the one in the front of the theater with the camcorder, you're now screwed. In the ever vigilant arena of anti-piracy comes the newest and greatest system that scans the audience looking for reflections off of lenses. My solution: charge less. People are more apt to actually go to the movies if it doesn't cost the proverbial arm & leg (last time it cost my wife and I $11 for admission, on a matinee...).
Oh yeah, Five for Friday is still on hiatus, but will be back soon!
Have a good weekend!