The Taxman Commeth...
"Tax collectors warn that on April 17, Americans had better fess up to what taxes they've avoided through Internet shopping--or else."
Yeah, so what's new. They all want their tax money.
I still believe that it is crock to have both a sales tax and an income tax. Give me one or the other, but not both. It's like having a double income tax, one pre, the post. In some places, like where I live, the internet is the only way to get some things. They're just not carried in town (or they are, but only at one place, where anyone driving by can see you go in...and know you've been a dirty person). So now in addition to the pain in the ass it is to get some things, now I'm going to get taxed on it. Great. More issues. The tax rate here, thanks to the bloody tourists is over 8%. The town believes it can make its money off the tourists and screw the locals in the same fell swoop. And they do. While this year I owe the state nearly $400, I've spent thousands in sales tax, from gas to food and everything in between, so it makes it doubly hard to shell out the cash to the government.
'Til later...
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