It's the most wonderful time of the year...


Yeah, right. Unfortunately, the madness has alreday begun. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of Christmas, I'm a son of Claus*, but it gets me every year when the retailers push back the launch date for Christmas shopping. In fact, I was at the mall 3 weeks ago, and Bath & Bodyworks already was decked for that special seaon, playing holiday songs as well! It makes me ill to see the commercialization of the holiday in this fashion.

I remember growing up that the stores would only start on the day after Thanksgiving for their wonderful promos. No longer. The earlier, the better is the new motto. Granted this is a very special time of year for retailers, they stand to make a lot of money, and with all the problems we've had this year, I understand why they're making the push early. But it still rubs me wrong.

The only good thing about this is that the sales are shaping up to be rather spectacular, or at least not-so-craptacular. Perusing the deals at Gotta Deal's Black Friday page, found some that even the sternest grinch would smile at. Even the all-mighty Wal-Mart is getting some great action including a $400 laptop, sure to bring the great unwashed masses out of the trailers to get on "that them-thar interweb with our new lap-top from the Wal-Mart." And I admit, I might even have to join them this year...

*my father works as Santa Claus in the malls where I grew up, and even though it is a seasonal thing has made it his philosphy in life. He looks the part, white beard and all with a tendency to wear red or green shirts the rest of the year. My poor kid is going to be very confused, (the one in the picture is not mine, merely a promo of the pops).

Posted by Tom at 10:11 AM  


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