Another Victory For The Corporate Overlords
Just read this on Portland Indymedia and was absolutely appalled. You can view the article here.
Previous to my self-imposed exile to Arizona, I lived in Portland, OR. At that time a small coffeshop in the town of Astoria on the Oregon Coast opened. Named "Sambuck's" after the owner, it drew the ire of the coffee baron that is Starbucks, who claimed copyright and image infringement. Mind you, the logo was nothing like Starbucks, nor would any self-repsecting person ever confuse the two. Sam Buck went to court to defend her right to name her business after herself against the corporate overlords, but in the decision handed down today, lost that fight. This stands as another erosion of our personal lives by those that control the world we live in. It also shows we have no recourse to defend our names against the corporate aggressors. All she wanted to do was make a living and some corporate thug had to destroy that.
So to sum it up, to hell with Starbucks, may their horrible over-priced coffee rot on the docks, their baristas walk away, their milk curdle and yuppies realize there are many other outlets to get an actual good cup of coffee in this world.
What,...Huh,...Can you repeat that?
Came across a great article by Pete Townshend about hearing loss related to music. I, for one can really relate to this. I know that by the time I hit middle age, hearing loss is going to be a big problem for me. Having suffered many bouts of otitis media as a child and numerous other infections, my hearing is already characterized as damaged, especially in my right ear. Having not one, but two tympanoplasties along with other repairs probably didn't make things better.
So what did I do? Go to work in the airline business. There's really nothing like a 747 spooling up to taxi without ear protection first thing in the morning to clear your head. Something like 120dBs or so, bare ear to the world. In the article it mentioned that average volume of ear buds range 100+dB...which just makes me cringe. I can't imagine anymore putting my head through that anymore. Sure, I remember blasting the headphones to drown out the world and the rambling stinky guy sitting next to me on the bus, but I can't do it anymore, it hurts. I can't imagine losing the ability to hear music and sound. It makes sense why Beethoven went crazy in the end. His passion was taken from him in a very abrupt manner, while he could still compose and direct, he could no longer hear his compositions. But I digress. Read the article, your ear drums will thank you.
As for other stuff...
- Sony decides that it's ok to install software (the root kit fiasco) on your computer, and then the RIAA says they did nothing wrong. But leave to Texas of all places to lead the charge and file the first lawsuit against Sony for this transgression. What's next is for Congress to get in on this and mess it up for all of us...
- Yes! Only 4 days to Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving), that wonderful day of madness and consumer insanity perpetrated on us by the retail behemoths. For those of you who can't wait to see what is for sale, well you're already too late. I mean Gotta Deal's Black Friday site has been getting notortiety since the beginning of November, and Black Friday 2005 has already received at least 2 cease and desist letters. CHekc them out to make your list. Then go here to plan your attack on the stores. I go to watch little old ladies suplex each other over a $5 pair of pajamas. Myself, I plan on being at Wal-Mart in the hinterlands of Arizona, watching the Mormons and the in-breds fight over the deals. I may even pick up something nice for the wife...
Random Bits
I've had the last 2 weeks off as a result of family issues, which are slowly resolving. In the last day or two though, whether by chance or luck, or a concindence of a greater power, I've stumbled across some good stuff once again.
- Good 'ol Pat Robertson is up to his tricks again, condeming a town for denying "intelligent design" by giving their school board the boot. The reality is that he doesn't want anyone to think for themselves or question the Book that he has based his life on. I do believe that there will be a special surprise for him when he departs this realm... (via Poplicks)
- Having spent a lot of time under a great deal of stress, Lifehacker posted up today a guide on how to meditate (from Discovery Health). I started to a while ago, but had fallen off and realized that I really need the time to get my head together and this article came at the right time. (via Lifehacker)
- Last, but not least, I found a great article dealing with Thanksgiving and vegatarians/vegans. As my wife and I are vegatarians (I'm what I term a "dysfunctional vegartarian*") I'm always on the look-out for helpful tips, tricks and recipies for feeding us and found this informative and inspiring. (via Lifehacker)
Until later...
Dealing With Life
Lately life has been difficult, in more ways than one. There's too many personal things about this to describe in a public forum, but suffice to say that there was a death in the family that will forever effect my wife and me in a very deep and personal way. It wouldn't be fair or right to say more than that.
It's the most wonderful time of the year...
Yeah, right. Unfortunately, the madness has alreday begun. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of Christmas, I'm a son of Claus*, but it gets me every year when the retailers push back the launch date for Christmas shopping. In fact, I was at the mall 3 weeks ago, and Bath & Bodyworks already was decked for that special seaon, playing holiday songs as well! It makes me ill to see the commercialization of the holiday in this fashion.
I remember growing up that the stores would only start on the day after Thanksgiving for their wonderful promos. No longer. The earlier, the better is the new motto. Granted this is a very special time of year for retailers, they stand to make a lot of money, and with all the problems we've had this year, I understand why they're making the push early. But it still rubs me wrong.
The only good thing about this is that the sales are shaping up to be rather spectacular, or at least not-so-craptacular. Perusing the deals at Gotta Deal's Black Friday page, found some that even the sternest grinch would smile at. Even the all-mighty Wal-Mart is getting some great action including a $400 laptop, sure to bring the great unwashed masses out of the trailers to get on "that them-thar interweb with our new lap-top from the Wal-Mart." And I admit, I might even have to join them this year...