Oh yeah, your information is secure...


Unless you're a very creative thief who masquerades as a legit company. In this story, ChoicePoint reveals that thousands of records have been accessed by identity thieves posing as the real deal. Wait a sec now...a company who collects our personal information, supposedly keeps it secure then sells it to thieves. And we have no recourse, and unless you live inCalifornia, no way of knowing about it.

So if this can happen at a private company, whatt happens when the government (anybody remember "Total Information Awareness"?) gets involved? It goes to show that we have no privacy and no right, in the minds of corporate America to that right. Our information, things that directly affect our lives, can be bought and sold like a prize pig at auction. In the age of information where every decision is based upon you credit rating, including employment, seeing such breaches of trust and security as this is not only outrageous, but devastating. The real question is if this is possible, how can the validity of any of the information presented be verified? Who is it really that you say you are?

As a wise man once said, the only defense against identity theft is having an identity that no one wants...

Posted by Tom at 8:00 PM  


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