Ooooh, shiny new stuff.
I bough myself a new pannier today. Been wanting to get my stuff off my back during the commute, hoping that in conjunction with PT and exercises, my back won't hurt so much. We'll see if it works. Thing is, these specialty packs are expen$ive. I'm not exactly flush, so dropping a lot on something that may or may not work is a dicey proposition.
I had to think about what I needed to carry to and from work. Besides scrubs and lunch, there isn't too much. Expedition sized bags need not apply for this. Most of the junk I need is in the locker at work. Besides, having a small bag encourages me not too take the kitchen sink along. Let me say right away that while nice, Ortlieb panniers were right out. Can't really drop $100+ at this time. Sure it's for a pair, but I only need one. I found my way though. Thanks to articles at Commute by Bike and my hero, Fat Cyclist, came upon Banjo Brothers. Ended up with their "Waterproof Pannier" which considering we're in September already, will be getting a work out soon enough (never mind that it is going to be the 90's this week!).
After getting a rack on the bike, I mock loaded the bag with what I normally take: set of scrubs, lunch, emergency bike kit, personal items like keys, wallet, cell phone, Palm and other minuscule necessities. And you know what? It fit. Perfectly. With room to spare. Sure it knocked my bike a little off-kilter, but I think it will be worth. Otherwise, it's craigslist for it.
Til later...
Zoobomb & city musings.
Spent the day in town today. Linda had to work so she had the car and I was on foot. Took the bus to PT, then bummed around downtown until it was time to head home. Walked past the Zoobomb "sculpture", so I had to take a pick. Spent most of the afternoon on the bricks at Pioneer Courthouse Square just people watching. That in itself is almost always entertaining and today was no let down. Started off with the guy playing pan flute on the corner of Broadway and Morrison. Then you add in the street kids for color. Add a dash of suburban emo kids, a little bit of office workers, tourists and the one lone security guard and you end up with a fun afternoon at the square.
'Til later...
Here's the map.
Urban renewal.
Hottest Day of the Year Ride, part 2.
Bike parking at the end of the ride. Bikes and spandex as far as the eye can see. Read my wrap up here.