Democrats rise up!!
I'm mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!
It's about time that someone in the Democratic party decided not to roll over for the GOP. Are Dean's remarks a bit abrasive? Yes. Are they a little impolite? Yes. And it's about time.
The Dems have been called everything from communists to pornographers and by inference religion-hating liberals, yet have never come back at the right wing blowhards, dittoheads and ideologues that have been heaping it on them for long enough. It's not like he told someone to "F*ck off!"
Finally someone has the balls to call the kettle black and ignites a shitstorm for it. The worst thing is that he's getting it as much from his own party as he is from the GOP. Most people believe that there really isn't much of a difference between Dems and Republicans and this proves it. While Dean may have his own agena directing his antics I'm all for it. This country has been blinded by the neocons and their servants in the GOP and it's about time someone who's visible and powerful started questioning the status quo presented by them.
Always thought it was strange...
That we drink milk. Not from our mothers but from cows, specially bred for and hopped up on hormones and antibiotics to produce mass quantities of the stuff. So this article published today, makes me laugh and go, "well, d'uh!"
You think that drinking milk is the healthy thing to do , but the research shows that kids who drink more than 2 glasses a day are more prone to be obese. They don't mention if that is the effect of the milk itself, or the latent hormones and other chemicals lurking inside the milk that is causing the effect.
Can't wait to see what the Dairy Farmers have to say about it!